Board of Directors

Tzvi Furman
Independent Director; Head of the ESG Committee; Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee; Audit Committee,
Zvi Furman has served as member of our board of directors since September 2019. He currently serves as chairman of the credit committee of Meitav Dash Provident and Pension Funds Ltd and previously served on the board of directors of Mediterranean Towers Ltd. Mr. Furman has served on the board of directors of Koret Israel Economic Development Funds since 2011. He previously served as managing partner of KCPS Manof (2009) Ltd., as general manager of Bank Hapoalim in the United States and as general manager of Bank Otsar Hachayal.
Mr. Furman holds a B.A. in Economics and Political Science and a M.A. in Business Administration both from Tel Aviv University.
Mr. Furman holds a B.A. in Economics and Political Science and a M.A. in Business Administration both from Tel Aviv University.